Thursday, January 3, 2013

Winter shows her snowy face

Gwen is too busy for photos

But Coriander knows I've got food in my pocket

I know there's grass under here!

Gwen is annoyed with snow

But Coriander doesn't seem to mind

Butch prefers to eat out of the feeder

But my two like their bags :)


  1. Love the winter shots! (but I'm with Gwen - you may keep the white stuff) ;D

    1. The nice thing about the snow is that it makes a cushion over the frozen, pockmarked ground underneath it. That's it.

  2. Awww, they look too cute in the snow. Love the sky too, very pretty. Hope you don't get much more (and we don't either) that way Gwen will certainly be happier. Some girls just don't like to get their feet wet.

    1. It doesn't help that she's a bit of a princess...

  3. Nice pics, but I really like that last one. I find it peaceful.

    Happy New Year! 2013 is going have all sorts of surprises and adventures for you!! :-)

    1. Well said Wolfie! Lets hope we ALL have a 2013 full of (happy) surprises and adventures!

  4. Beautiful! I drove to the mountains (Tahoe, CA) over the holidays and remarked to my husband that, to my great surprise, I've actually never ridden in the snow! And I was wondering what you do to keep ice balls from forming in their hooves?

    1. You have to be picky about what kind of snow you ride in, don't ride in snow with an ice crust! Fortunately my two don't tend to pack snowballs in their feet- one of the benefits of a good trim ;)

  5. I guess it would be mean of me to say it's supposed to be in the 60s here this weekend... and we've had not a single snowflake this winter. Ponies in the snow are too cute! Love those fuzzy faces. :)

    1. It's actually supposed to be in the 50s here all weekend. Bye bye snow. I don't mind it actually, if the temps are below freezing I'd rather have snow than not- frozen mud isn't nice to walk on.

  6. WHOA...that view of the building, dwarfs horses!Cool shot!

    I will catch up, I will catch up! Being away for near 12 weeks, whoosh, life moves fast in blogsville! Your horses look good...yea, we got a drizzle of snow. Not near as much as you...but I think you get it every year, while we may or may not.

    Hope it does warm for you soon...frozen mud is Terrible indeed!Great shots and funny fuzzy muzzles!

    1. Yep, it's one of the old, big dairy barns you see a lot of in Upstate NY. Sadly a lot of these old barns have run down pretty badly but this barn has been taken care of. Even the old stone foundation is in great shape.
