Check out this picture of Gwen's leg from a few weeks ago:

See that black line that's running down the middle of the wound there? I think that might have been the culprit in Gwen's last infection.
Check out how the wound looks now after taking Wolfie's advice and putting polysporin on it:

See where it's raw looking in the middle there? That's right where the black line was. I put polysporin on it the night I saw it was infected. The next day when I went to put more on that black bit sloughed off, under it her leg was raw and bloody. Obviously that black bit was an ominous sign that I wasn't paying close enough attention to. Hindsight is 20/20 they always say.
Anyway, I'm paying attention to it now, so hopefully her leg can get busy healing again!
I think it looks a lot better! Wiping/soaking with salt water cleans and takes the swelling down and good old Polysporin has a chance to get in and work at the bad parts. Glad that it seems to be working for Gwen. I bet you in a couple of weeks you will be amazed at her recovery. You will have to post more pictures!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for your comments, Wolfie! I'll definitely be posting updated pictures.