
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

An award? For me?

Wolfie, you are the sweetest!  I got tagged for a beautiful blogger award!

So now I need to hold up my end of the bargain...

7 things about me you don't know.  Geez, where to start?
    1.  Why did I start this blog?  I started this blog so that the person who gave me the quarters could keep up with their progress.  I also started it so I could keep track of their progress.  I'm terrible at remembering details, if I write them down I'm much more likely to remember them.

    2.  I have a masters degree in museum studies.  While getting that degree I interned at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History and the Supreme Court of the United States.  Since graduation I have been unable to find employment at a museum.  Go figure.

    3.  I'm a rock climber and have taught classes for it at Cornell University.  I HATE heights.

    4.  My husband and I have our own cats.  His cat is Count Metolius and mine is Will O' Wisp.  Though our cats have an obvious preference for one of us over the other but they absolutely love each other.  If they weren't fixed we'd have kittens all over the place.  

    5.  I am addicted to gaming.  Computer games, video games, you name it.  I recently lost hours of my life playing Dragon Age.  What can I say?  That game is awesome.

    6.  I have a rather large collection of vintage dress patterns that I would love to sew up but am too daunted to really give it a try.  I have to rip out 1 of every 3 seams that I sew...

    7.  I don't put any stock in horoscopes yet every description out there for a Libra fits me to a T.  I was also born in the year of the horse.  How fitting.
      Now it's time to pay homage to all those other bloggers I visit so often.
      1. Wolfie, of course, at What was I thinking... who nominated me.
      2. Natalie over at Retired Racehorse and Equine Progressive, she cracks me up all the time.
      3. Mary H. at Stale Cheerios, who has a ton of great info on clicker training.
      4. Kate over at A Year With Horses who recently had to make a heartbreaking decision about her problem mare.
      5. Julie from Riding Aside, her blog is all about riding sidesaddle.  I am incredibly impressed, I'm pretty sure if I ever tried that I'd end up cracking my forehead on the ground.
      6. Mel from Boots and Saddles, she's got an arabian mare that she rides for both endurance and dressage.  My roots are in competitive trail riding so I get a little nostalgic reading her blog.
      7. Mikael's Mania, this woman blogs everyday, without fail, about her arabian horse breeding farm.  I am currently on edge waiting to see how her old broodmare will fare with her last birthing this April.
      8. From Racehorse to Showhorse, she takes incredibly beautiful photos of her OTTB geldings.
      9. Glenshee Equestrian Centre, she doesn't post very often, but when she does it's gold.
      10. EQUINE Ink, another interesting site where I always enjoy my visits.
      11. mugwump chronicles, years of horse training and great story writing in one site, what's not to like?
      12. Tacky Tack of the Day, Jessica snarks on ugly tack, a woman after my own heart.
      13. Forever Horses, she's been a bit busy lately but her thoughts on horses are very similar to my own.
      14. Dressage In Jeans, she's also been a bit busy lately but she's always worth reading when she finds the time to post.
      15. Jenn over at Green Slobber on My Shirt, I think she should win an award for the most clever blog title if nothing else.  She may have the most impish OTTB ever.


      1. So nice to get to know a bit about you. :-) Good list! I will be checking these blogs out. Thanks for participating and sharing, S.

      2. You saved my life, I didn't ride today and thus do not have a blog post - LOL

        Thanks and hey - your cats have very cool names and I am fascinated by the museum studies masters. Very cool!
